According to Neihart and Betts (2010) there are 6 profiles of children/young people with additional equipment. Everyone would have specific educational needs (even those who excel).
When a child between the ages of 3 and 5 is impulsive and aggressive, when a child in the early years of primary school lies on the ground, runs for the class, fails to contain himself and finally when a boy in the pre-phaseHow does the school respond?
And when a child or a child passively attends the lessons without learning anything new for years?
Teachers who are more trained and sensitive to the needs of students with surplus equipment offer them more opportunities: they adopt a differentiated didactics, they activate strengthening laboratories, they work for centres of interest, they plan enrichment activities.
On the basis of strong prejudices, some teachers, on the other hand, tend to exclude the presence of a surplus, and respond by “punishing” in some way the pupil/teacher and consequently also the family.
What does “include” mean? Is it perhaps an action directed exclusively to those who have some assessment of disorder or deficit? We believe that to include means to adhere to the motto of Don Milani: “I Care”. I take care. Here is the role of the teacher: an adult who takes care of all the pupils, regardless of the label.
Dr Martina Brazzolotto
Consultation for parents of gifted children
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