The best pedagogical solutions for your gifted child
I offer the best advice for parents of gifted children. If you do not know how handle your child, no worry!
Make an appointment with me and you will be happy to receive realistic educational practice to create a good relationship with your child.
If you are looking for:
- an expert in gifted education with more than 10 years of experience in the field
- someone who uses and evidence-base approach
- realistic and concrete advice to spend immediately
- flexibility
- professionalism, kindness and helpfulness
And if you love Italian pedagogy (Montessori, Malaguzzi with his Reggio Children approach, don Lorenzo Milani, etc.) that means that you are looking for me!
Who am I?
I am Martina Brazzolotto and I am specialist in Gifted and Talented Education. Briefly my education is:
- B.A. in Primary Education (University of Padua, Italy)
- Specialized program in Gifted and Talented Education (University of Pavia, Italy; Irvine University, California, University of Connecticut, and Emporia State University, Kansas)
- Ph.D. in Gifted and Talented Education (University of Bologna, Italy)
I have been consultating for 10 years, and I am ready to share my high level of expertise with you!
Consultation for parents of gifted children
The best pedagogical solutions for your gifted child I offer the best advice for parents of gifted children. If you do not know how handle your child, no worry! Make an appointment with me and