For parents
Educational style
For parents
Educational style
According to a recent study, it is important that parents of gifted children are aware of the needs of their children (LEANA-TASCILAR M.Z, OZYAPRAK M., YILMAZ O., 2016). I help parent to better understand the needs of their children (face to face or in remote way).
early verbal expressions
good memory
high level of curiosity
unusual time of attention
early demonstration of original and creative behavior
Good practice
Showing positive expectations leads to success (DeVries, 2005), This means: high objectives, positive attitudes, constructive behaviour and reduction of «punishments».
Report clear and concise (Bloom, 1985): emphasis on result, success, always doing your best, working seriously, parents as models.
Be parents as coach rather than as judges; for some scholars (Rimm et al., 1999) It would be better to pass the message “you can do whatever you want if you work hard (hard work); nothing is free”.
High verbal skills and high abstract thinking would make parents believe that the child is mature and wise, without considering the lack of experience of the child: these children are thought to be able to make complex decisions.
Bromfield (1994) reminds parents that a highly developed language does not guarantee complete global development.
Empowering children to make decisions nurtures power and diminishes wisdom. This can lead to conflicts between parents and children with giftedness as children compete for power that parents entrust too soon and try to remove it too late.
Children who always have everything they want acquire an inappropriate sense of power and control over parents and leads to the belief that having everything you want is right (Rimm, 2005, 2007).
I offer consultation to parents to answer questions about:
educational styles
paths to identify traits of giftedness
creation of customized tasks
free time management
activities to exploit potential and talents
sibling management
Online learning
During the quarantine period (the Covid-19 case) many children and young people have suffered from loneliness; moreover, the disorientation has overwhelmed many pupils, precisely because of the poor structuring of educational activities. Many teachers have simply replicated the “traditional” didactics, despite the very different instruments.
virtual summer/winter camp
homeschooling online
advice for parents and teachers
I offer advice to parents to answer questions about:
Online learning
During the quarantine period (the Covid-19 case) many children and young people have suffered from loneliness; moreover, the disorientation has overwhelmed many pupils, precisely because of the poor structuring of educational activities. Many teachers have simply replicated the “traditional” didactics, despite the very different instruments.
virtual summer/winter camp
homeschooling online
advice for parents and teachers
Bauman Z. (2012). Conversazioni sull’educazione, Trento: Erickson.
Brazzolotto M. (2019). La didattica per lo sviluppo dei talenti. Pitagora.
Brazzolotto M. (2022). La didattica per la plusdotazione attraverso lo sviluppo dei talenti. Pitagora.
Burbery M. (2007). L’eleganza del riccio. Edizioni E/O.
Cornoldi C. (2019). Bambini eccezionali. Superdotati, talentosi, creativi o geni. Il Mulino.
Davis, Rimm, Del Siegle (2013). Education of the gifted and talented. Pearson [in inglese]
Feldman D. H. (1991). Quando la natura fa centro. Firenze: Giunti.
Galli G. (2016). ABC per l’APC. Come gestire la quotidianità della plusdotazione. Svizzera: Zetapiesse.
Huther G., Hauser U. (2014). Ogni bambino ha un grande talento. Milano: Urra.
Mormando F. (2017). I bambini ad altissimo potenziale intellettivo. Trento: Erickson.
Siaud -Facchin J. (2016). Troppo intelligenti per essere felici. Milano: Rizzoli.
Zanetti M. A. (2017). I bambini e ragazzi ad alto potenziale. Carocci Faber.