Some studies show that parents of children and adolescents with increased endowment and/or high cognitive potential would experience greater stress situations. Parents often find themselves alone in answering the most frequent questions: how to recognize the surplus equipment? When a child (or a teenager) is overendowed, is it possible that there are comorbidity disorders? How is it that, despite the high level of intelligence, there is a great difficulty in managing emotions? What are the best educational styles to adopt to enhance talents and develop autonomy and responsibility? how to manage the brothers? how to support children during homework?
The training course for parents with children/ adolescents with additional equipment aims to support parents in the difficult role of educators, answering the questions above (and many others) through a pedagogical approach.
-(Ri)know the features of surplus and/or high potential
-Additional equipment and double exceptionality
-Added endowment and management of emotions
-Educational styles for growing children/ teenagers with surplus equipment
-Management of the brothers
Saturday 26 September from 9:30 to 12:30
Saturday 3 October from 9:30 to 12:30
Dr Martina Brazzolotto (see www.didatticatalenti.com )
For info: martinabrazzolotto@gmail.com
Consultation for parents of gifted children
The best pedagogical solutions for your gifted child I offer the best advice for parents of gifted children. If you do not know how handle your child, no worry! Make an appointment with me and